From our Kitchen Window.

Due to our pavements being covered in black ice, it was after lunch before we ventured forth. The path round the FVRH was well gritted and the surrounding roads were fine so we did manage a decent walk. Chloe preferred to walk on the grass which was probably better for her paws than the gritty/salty tarmac.
The above photos (Robin, starling & blackbird) are visitors to our feeders. We also see hedge sparrows, dunnocks, coal and blue tits, wood pigeon, collared doves, and various corvids which we chase when we see them.
Well, no big surprise but we are as of midnight tonight back in lockdown until the end of January (at least!). This cycle of lockdown and release just is not working to defeat the virus thingy but should take a bit of pressure off the NHS until more of us are vaccinated. Roll on those jabs!

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