
My great?
My bad?
Am I going thru heaven's gate?

Wait! There's a gate?
Not just anyone gets to enter?
Oh yeah, that's Satan's bait.
No borders to his estate.

But the Bible tells how to "get up"
To pass beyond that ginormous chasm
That poor man Lazarus relates
From Abraham's bosom.
(Jesus's parable describes the set up.)

You need ID
And not just facial recognition.
No fingerprint, eyeball scan, papers for immigration.
Only Christ's discernment of your position -
Available only during your lifetime, and the fee?

What a relief!
No huge hoops to jump
No red tape, long lines, it's so brief!
Just make up your mind! It's not a huge hump.
And just like that! You are secured a place.
Knowing your immigration status
Is simply the beginning of your lifelong gratis.

Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate being made from a single pearl."
Luke 16:19-31 parable of Lazarus
LMKazmierczak All Rights Reserved

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