Seating plans

With a big family, where you sit in the car is quite significant. How we’ve landed up with Cholmeley thinking he can sit there is unfathomable.

We never had him in the boot of the car. We always had too much kit for that option. Having an automatic car meant he normally sat between the 2 front seats. And since Mabel joined the family, she sits on or next to the back row of seats (it’s an 8-seater car).

Anyway, it was lovely to meet up with DougsJB and PuddleDuck for a walk. We’ve normally met up with a big crowd for a New Years Day Walk. All different this year.

The mud was like a gloopy soup. We all came back caked in it.

Thanks for the blipday wishes yesterday. I remain a big fan of blip... x

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