
By hannahstar

Stained Glass

Today was Mum's birthday. We gave her presents and cards at breakfast and then went out. Firstly, we went to Go Outdoors which is a really big shop in Basingstoke selling all kinds of outdoor things mainly for camping, hiking etc.
We got waterproof coats for Mum and me, a jumper for me, an airbed and some waterproof trousers for my brother. Then we went on to Eastleigh and went to Nando's for dinner. Very yummy!
Afterwards we went on to Winchester and wandered round. We went into some of the museumy exhibition things, these stained glass windows were in the Great Hall. Anyway, it was a very nice time.
In the evening we had a session of Christianity Explored because we didn't have it last Sunday because of the Youth Weekend. It was good but I was very tired and not feeling too well (I have a horrible cold) so I didn't enjoy it as much as usual.
Overall though, a nice day.
I hope you enjoyed your birthday Mummy!

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