Daunti's world

By daunti

New Years Retreat

Every year for over the past ten years I have been to or led a New Years retreat. It is so important to me to look back on the burdens and blessings of the past year and reflect on them and then look forward to the hopes and dreams of the new year. Let go of what needs to be let go of and take what needs to be a part of the new year. Well because of the pandemic there was no way for there to be a normal retreat anywhere with the state of the world so I decide to do it on my own. I really also wanted to this year start a retreat with my community in my home away from home and I also knew that couldn't happen well at least not this year. But I was sharing with a friend that I was going to do this on my own this year who wanted the materials to also do it and she shared with two of her friends and when I was talking to two other friends in my florida home today they also wanted to do it. So now virtually there are seven of us doing it all over the place ... in Florida, in Tennessee, in Michigan and here in Philly. I had a plan but God had a different plan, how cool is He!!! I love God!

I shared this story with my spiritual director when I was telling her how things just happened so naturally and I love her comment and want to share her words ...

"That is the way the universe works when you’re in flow, we don’t think of it, and we don’t make it happen. God does :)"

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