My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


Well its certainly been an interesting year, and although it would be easy to write it off as a bad lot because of covid-19, it's important to remember everything that happened, and in particular the good bits and the happy times.

- 284 blips
- Left one job and started another
- Birthday treats that we were lucky enough to have all fall between lockdown restrictions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- The occasional date night for Louisa and me Jan Feb Aug Oct
- The pandemic and all the pressures at work trying to ensure the safety of both patients and staff
- The decision to take the boys to Louisa's parents away from me until we knew more about what we were dealing with
- Multiple COVID tests, thankfully all negative
- Rainbows
- Bike rides with Aaron
- Social distancing, even to see family
- Hospital appointments, routine and accidental
- The wonderful people that thankfully make up the overwhelming majority of my journal who I am so incredibly lucky to call my family.

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