A Bright Start

some fresh air and sunlight after a Hogmanay like no other, watching old Hogmanay shows, the rest of the world must think we’re mental but also some fun with Only An Excuse and some poignant poetry from out Makar to go with the drone light show:

Three craws flyin frae the song o’ today; the song o’ despair, o’ anxiety,
awa frae the year 2020.
Cawin’ to send it aff tae the past. At last.
We swing aroon and turn tae the day. We give thanks fir solidarity;
Drap parcels tae food banks.
Clap oor haunds frae balconies
fir the gift o’ nurses.
And folk sing the wurld over
blending the atmosphere;
music reaching oot to bless the air, and now we ken oor neighbours’ names.
A grandfather cries his wife’s name oot loud, An’ a grandmother faces tomorrow;
We send emojis through the ether,
to weather the storm; together, alone.
An wave frae Zoom Rooms here and there. Silence in the air; weddings cancelled; despair. Funerals wey naebody there.
Aw the burds fly frae the purifying air.
Aw the burds fly tae the nearly new year

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