Happy Hogmanay
Karen suggested we walk to the Art House Cafe for breakfast (extra) she forgot to tell me it was 5.7km away. Due to various restrictions we ended up staying at home instead of camping in the desert.
The main photo is a mix of the most like posts of 2020. They are
TL-Out on a friends boat around Abu Dhabi
TC-Calum off to Stirling University. He was stuck in his 3x2m room with no face to face and everything shut. We let him come back to AD to distance learn
TR-Plenty of supplies in Saudi shops
ML/MC- After 8 months stuck in Saudi we had a staycation in Abu Dhabi Emirates Palace
MR-Working from home
BL-Face masks
BC-Road trip to the Saudi Mountains, stunning
BR-Moved back into the centre of Abu Dhabi island
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