Last Day in my 30s

A fairly breezy day, some sunny spells, and showers.  Better this evening, still the odd shower.

Up early, and a morning finishing off my jigsaw.  Headed out at noon, and a walk with mam.  We also saw Robert and Shannon in the garden.  More walkies this evening, and popped by Madeline's to wish them well from the garden.  Another 16 cases of Coronavirus here in Shetland, and again from those self isolating.  Scary numbers, but sounding like it's contained.  

My last walk with mam for the year, and also my last walk (out of Scalloway) in my 30s.  Tomorrow I turn the big 40.  Never in my life have I had a quiet birthday, as I party, the whole world parties with me.  This year just a quiet one at home, instead of my holiday to Tenerife, that I cancelled.  This sure has been a odd year, and seems to be packed with sad or worrying thoughts.  If you look between the lines, I've had many happy times, good fun and loads of memories that will last.  I still do wish for a happier 2021.  A quick snap near the Central, Sandwick.  

Happy New Year to Blippers, and hope you have a great night and year ahead.

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