Picture this..

By northernlass261


Mum was in good spirits again today, if a little tired and managed to sit in the chair again for half an hour.   The Physio will be pleased on Monday when she comes.

Another beautiful day but very frosty, so I didn't venture out this morning.   I made Meat and Potato Pie this evening, one for the freezer and one tonight plus extra beef and onions to make a stew.   The freezer is filling up nicely now.   This is the first time I have baked anything in the new oven and so tried it on the automatic pastry setting.   Not had that on previous ovens.   I was a bit dubious as it is supposed to use the correct temperature to cook the pastry.   Well it worked, so I will be trying the bread one out next.

As I sit here I am being treated to some lovely fireworks.   Just had a burst of them whilst washing up.   One of the advantages of being higher up.

I wish you a Happy New Year and a healthy, safe 2021.   Let's hope next year is better for all of us, and the World returns to some sort of normality.

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