The Underground

I finished this a couple of days ago, it was fun but crawling around on the floor wasn't (I don't have a suitable clear table).
Today's weather was miserable, rainy and only just above freezing, though the rain did stop later but it remained grey. It should be better again tomorrow.
We went for a short walk/skate where some of the paths were sheet ice, but gave running a miss as the rain on the ice would have made even the golf course with spikes a hazardous activity. It was all very different from a year ago.
The extra (I had one left and the opportunities outside to use it were very limited) is a stange beastie that was lurking in the kitchen.
Now for a quiet evening, a normal Hogmanay for us, and glad to be avoiding people as the news doesn't get any better.
It's been an interesting year and an opportunity to focus on the important things in life, and doing the little I could to alleviate things for others. I'm thankful my family hasn't been seriously affected.
A happy to New Year to you all

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