Oldgroaners Phone&Compact

By Oldgroaner

A strange object that intrigued me

Quite obviously this is a pump, and yet seems to have drawn water from the Mere, which could hardly be a healthy arrangement. While I was taking this photo the elderly chap in the garden behind me had a chat.
"It's not what it seems the pump actually drew water from a spring that comes down under my drive before it reached the Mere, the high entended spout was to reach out over the water cart as the village had no piped water until 1945.
I found this link to a picture of how it looked back then
Bishop Burton Pump and water cart
Imagine having to wait for water to be delivered to your door, and it would make you very careful not to waste any,
I was trying to work out how much work was involved to work that pump enough to fill such a huge barrel, possibly more than once a day!
Hope you find this interesting.

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