The local school chapel looked rather nice this morning in the moonlight. Still getting the miles up ready for the January challenge....
It's been another one of those lovely days with the boys playing with toys, probably too much TV, certainly too much food - and a good dose of time outside at the park to compensate.
The husband looked after the boys for most of the day today, I managed to get through some more masters work and the assignment is feeling a little less daunting than it was a few days ago.
The youngest is going through the why and what stage. Today's killer question was 'what is alive' - which, is a pretty tricky question to answer.
Today I'm grateful for:
The husband who has taken on so much of the childcare this week to give me a little more time
The husband (again!) for reminding me that tomorrow is New Year's Eve - I'd got my days all confused.
Completion of some DIY that has been left unfinished since the summer (it was done by the husband, but three grateful's to him seems quite excessive!)
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