Day trip
MrsW has walked in to town several times since her stroke and, although a bit wobbly on her pins, she has been managing quite well.
However I have been a bit concerned about her confidence in travelling further afield (this is a lady who less than 2 yrs back was camping in the Sudanese Sahara). So I suggested a trip out to the RSPB reserve at Snettisham.
It's a short car journey and quite remote, totally different from the cosseted feel of home or town, yet if she had any problems I knew that Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn was only 10 minutes drive away. No problems, everything went swimmingly and we were treated to the sight of a barn owl on a day time hunting expedition. We didn't spend long as the wind was coming straight off the North Sea. Definitely not balmy!
I hope it can be categorised as an essential trip, I think it was..
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