The Kelpies.

A very chilly walk at the Kelpies after our Click and Collect this morning. Then a wee drive by Fifi and Lyall’s to see J and A. J was not his chirpy wee self and had a sore tummy. A on the other hand chatted away to “GranPapa” ( one word) as she calls us! :)

Home to do a temporary repair to our garage door which we are unable to close properly. It has lasted 34 years so I think after a few short term repairs recently our first expense in the new year will be a new door.

Walked this afternoon at FVRH. The pavements all around the hospital were well gritted but not around the Loch !

E and E FaceTimed this afternoon. They have enjoyed playing with all their new Christmas gifts. Miss E did a rather an exotic dance for us!

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