
..... thinking it is absolutely hilarious, that Mia is hitting me on the head with a hairbrush.  I hope she never becomes a hairdresser!

Today has been a bit of a messy day.  The weather has been overcast all day.  The threatening rain finally arrived just after the girls left at about 2pm.

So we didn't go for a walk.

We were going to make chocolate friands.  Then I couldn't find a recipe I liked.

In the end I took the girls to the shops, for a wander, just to get out of the house.  (Isabella can now do handstands against the wall.  It's worrying her Grandpapa that it's going to hurt her.  But it's not stopping her from doing them all over the place.)

I eventually got the girls to sit and do some jigsaw puzzles.  Just to have a bit of quiet time, ha! ha!

Conversation between Mia and her Grandpapa.  He'd just sat down after mowing the lawn.
Him:  I need some new knees.
Mia:   (sounding concerned) No!  You need your knees.
Him:  Why?
Mia:   'cos, that's what make your legs bend.  You can't take those away!

Isabella, James and I just fell about laughing.

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