Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I don't have a six!

Blip tells me that today is my blipday, in fact its the first of January but leap years have got in the way! It is also Eilidh's seventh birthday, hence the lovely lemon drizzle cake which I am hoping to taste tomorrow. Her birthday treat was to go 'orienteering' at Cammo Estate.
Her real birthday treat though was waking up to snow!. The orienteering consisted of tree climbing, scrambling, exploring the estate and of course sledging. No party of course but Isobel was there and the two girls who are just slightly older and live next door went with their mum so a great time was had by all.
Eilidh's treat when she got home was to choose her birthday tea so she asked for an afternoon tea... sandwiches, scones, cake and fingers of fresh veg. Mum, Dad and Isobel all tucked in with her and of course she had her choice of birthday cake as blipped. By all accounts she was very happy. I can't believe she's 7 already.
Today I risked taking the car up the icy country road to Craigie Farm for some veg and butchery goods then popped into Tesco on the way back for some essentials. Our fridge is still very full!
We had bridge this evening, I was happy with my performance - handing over to Colin at half time with a positive score, which is my aim.

Keep safe and well everyone there are some frightening tales coming from the south. I suppose it stops us worrying about the other mess which is about to hit us in a couple of days.

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