Yesterday I showed my partially finished puzzle as an Extra photo. Those of you who looked will have seen why I was enjoying it so much. Puzzles are so often addictive and this one was particularly so for me!
Today was a grey and cold day so the perfect day to keep going with this for a few more hours. I finished it just after 2pm. It took me 3 days - that would be slow for some, but it’s the fastest I’ve ever done one, even a 500. This is a NEW hobby for me, after all! I shall leave it out for a few days so I can enjoy it for awhile before putting it all back in the box.
Once the puzzle was done I was ready for some fresh air. I met a friend for a walk around a park at dusk and then she took me on a short tour of her neighbourhood to see some of the Christmas lights. See Extra photo for one good example.
When I got home I watched part 2 of ‘The Christmas Chronicles’ on Netflix. Another great Christmas movie with Kurt Russell as Santa Claus and his real-life wife Goldie Hawn as Mrs Claus.
This is turning out to be a perfect ‘Twixmas’ week!
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