With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


P’s pots arrived after I chased the UPS van across town. Unfortunately with some damage after their long journey across Western Europe, but we are delighted to be able to hold them in our hands and enjoy them. Thank you P!

Meanwhile the heating was getting sorted again and I visited my old friend Ramon in the residencia. He’s lost a lot of his memory and wasn’t really sure who I was, but I think it was mostly due to institutionalization. So long inside for a man who was used to daily walks of miles. I was sad but glad to have seen him and given him some turron. We both teared up and I promised to visit when I could and take him for a walk some day.

Back to the den, fire on and food on the go. I don’t want to move much for a few days. Lockdown will help. The police were in evidence, with new regulations at shops and so on. It feels a little sadder today.

Keep safe everyone, much love from Sóller.

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