It would seem that Blip thinks this marks a somewhat remarkable seven years of blipping - whilst my inner pedant feels that blip 2557 is the actual marker - but as the same erroneous algorithm applies to us all I guess I'll go with the flow.
A super early pre-dawn start for a volunteer shift meant that I felt relatively alive enough to encourage the team out for an early wander this morning - it also gave me plenty of pondering time.
I've often said that for a supposedly photography based entity it's the words on Blip that have come to mean the most to me - both my own oft inane written wanderings and the given glimpses of other lives. When Blippers share hints of their humor & give those insights into their own world it often feels an immense privilege, in 2020 many of us also shared, and I hope received some comfort from, many hardships I doubt any of us could have foreseen.
I often spend much of my time interacting with people who who feel isolated and alone, who often struggle to see the good in the world when times seem dark - it nearly always makes me think of the gentle magic that blip adds to moments of my day.

I've a melancholy awareness that I've been absent, in commenting at least, from many journals that I love to visit this last year as I've focused more on my own writing and various projects, but Blip has always remained a lovely constant touchstone for me. I sincerely hope to reengage with many of you old and new in what will surely be a better year* I wish each of you much happiness.

*And for any of you thinking 2021 might be another great unknown I've two words of comfort for you that will hopefully make you smile; January Twentieth....

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