tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Summer in December

Thank you to everyone who left such nice comments on my last two blips of Christmas memories. I'm currently experiencing connection problems which means the internet operates at the speed of a sloth. As a result I haven't been able to reply individually.

No memories today except of The Old Man, my half-brother, whose suggestion it was to replace Christmas pud with summer pudding, for its intense, plate-cleansing fruitiness and as a reminder of the  year turning towards the season of growth and sunshine. Each year I make sure to freeze summer fruit for the purpose,  raspberries and  currants from the garden and wild whinberries (bilberries) from the hills.  The bread case was home made too. Creme Chantilly to accompany.

(We had our main Christmas meal a couple of days late when the rest of the family arrived, bubble-hopping in as cautious a way as possible.)

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