Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Pretty Jug

Today was always going to be an indoor blip day. Its so grey and cold outside!

Just a quick shot of this pretty jug which was a gift to me after my Grandmother passed away. Apparently my Great Aunt also had one of these, but no-one knows what happened to it, perhaps it was broken.

I know very little about the jug, but I also have a plant pot in the same a very similar turquoise and gold pattern. Unfortunately the mark on the bottom of both is a little faded really! One day I'll get all these things looked at for value, just in case, though I don't think they will be worth a lot...but its the sentimental value more than anything :)

I've had another dreadful night and am definately too ill to go to work even (which is very annoying when you don't get paid for being ill) :(

Staying in bed today, with trips down to let Mr Billy in or out! He's in at the moment and can stay in just now I'm not going to keep going downstairs.

Thank you so much for all your comments and well wishes yesterday, what a wonderful world of support we have with blip :)

I'll Get By With a Little Help from my Friends

Have a great Sunday blippers :)

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