
By Groggster

Surreal Succulent

This plant is an echeveria - it is a large genus of flowering plants of the Crassulaceae family and is native to semi-desert areas of Central America, Mexico and north western South America - or in this case a small pot on my kitchen windowsill! 
 I really liked the contrast between the thick, fleshly leaves of the succulent and the more angular, shiny background (and yes that is tinfoil!). I think it has an almost surreal feeling to it.
Following on from my blip on 26th December, one of the most interesting programmes I watched today was a travelogue - Last Woman on Earth with Sarah Pascoe - where she travelled to Cuba to try out unique jobs put at risk by commercialism. 
These included a mattress magician (a mattress in Cuba can cost a month's salary so they have to be constantly repaired instead of buying a new one), a "lectora" - who reads to workers in a cigar factory and bizarrely a woman who guards the removable glasses of a John Lennon statue in Havana (tourists have a habit of stealing the glasses so she has to replace them each time someone takes a photograph or selfie with the statue).

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