People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Veni, Vidi, Swimmi!

I came, I saw, I swam! In December, no less!!!
As you can see, LM is immensely proud of his aquatic accomplishment for the day. I sat on the shore and watched him like a hawk.

Aside of swimming, we took a long walk along the shore with the pups, laid on the porch, and exerted as little energy as possible. During most vacations, I have ambitious plans to plan, make lists, organize, and achieve. Not this time.

Right now, I am consciously trying to do as little as humanly possible, to rest, as I know the next stretch (till summer) will be gruesome. COVID numbers in Mississippi are climbing steadily, so I am predicting the uni life to be nuts again.

May we all get a break!

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