Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Beam me up Scotty ...

Or should that be beam me up slowly?

TSM asked for a multi cooker for Christmas. You put in a piece of old bread and a carrot and when you lift the lid three hours later there is a vegan burger with chips, coleslaw, pickles and a side order of garlic bread. Or something equally miraculous. Personally I just like the digital display, it’s totally sci-fi and reminds me of the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. And you can take a selfie of your left hand if you are really clever. Like me.

Today was domestic and relaxed. Nice chat with Mrs Bear down in Devon. We got out for a walk but it was very cold and we got angry at people’s lack of common sense when it came to mask wearing and social distancing.

I made a loaf of bread and TSM cooked a chilli in the new Delorean back-to-the-future oven thing. We took it in turns to fall asleep on the sofa with tea and cats. Standard bank holiday stuff.

I could get used to this.


TGR called us from Canada at 9.30 to say she had been made permanent with the company she works for after a competitive interview process. So happy for her, she loves the setup and is delighted to have a long term future with them. Very proud.

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