All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Leia adores my neighbour Mel. She is a lovely person who looks after my cats when we're on holiday. However Leia does not love Murphy, who is Mels cat. I don't normally let my cats out in the morning unless I have a day off and am going to be around, but today I did let Leia out for a wander in the back garden before I went to work. She was having a lovely time pottering around, chewing the grass......until she spotted Murphy. Sitting having a wash on HER decking. And she was NOT happy! I don't know if you can tell from this picture quite how big and bushy her tail got and how much her fur was standing on end, but I do think the expression on her face tells it all!

Luckily it didn't turn into a big catfight. Just a long stare off and then Murphy slinked back off to his own house! Good to see Leia can extert herself without violence!

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