
By dunkyc


The wee ones turned up on another grey and drizzly morning seeming quite subdued. 

A chat with their mother revealed that they were still shattered after the Christmas festivities and could do with a couple of early nights. She was not wrong.

Despite wanting to get out into the fresh air, the rubbish weather and their tiredness was reason enough to have another easy day indoors, so we played some Subbuteo, did some Spirograph and got annoyed with Hama beads.

Lunch was in front of Pixar’s latest release; Soul, which is yet another triumph. There’s a portion in the middle, which might have been a little too deep for the wee ones, but they followed it through anyway and seemed to enjoy it. One of us might have had something in our eye at the end (I forget who).

Looking outside the weather had improved greatly, so we bundled up (with no complaints from them) and went for a walk around Abbot Park. We’d not been to the playground for a while, so they spent some time charging around in there and blowing off some steam. It was good to see.

You might even say that it was good for the soul.

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