
By simisue


Many years ago, I read that every room should have a touch of yellow,
to bring the sun in, even when there is not a trace in the sky.  This bouquet of yellow TULIPS, at my daughter's house, illustrates this idea perfectly.  
The color permeates the room, even with the Christmas tree & scattered toys  just outside the frame.  This bouquet won't last long, but it could be replaced with a bowl of lemons that can bring the feeling of sunshine during the dark Winter days ahead.

We are expecting rain tonight & tomorrow, so I am very happy.  I spent the day mulching & fertilizing my flowers & roses.  A good soaking rain will benefit all the plants, after the constant dry winds we have had.  It will also give us a brief respite from worrying about wildfire.  It's been many months since my raIn barrel was filled.

I hope to awake to sound of rain, & I hope it rains all day.  Angus & I will 
put on our raincoats to venture out for a walk, when it settles a bit.  
Then we can snuggle up at home....

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