Taunted passengers

The first day trains were running after Christmas timed with the aftermath of a storm. I got back to Devon, which I suppose qualifies as my current base, but only after train cancellations (a tree had fallen on the track south of Manchester), re-routing, paying for an extra leg and a coach replacement (the line was flooded north of Exeter).

The 50-odd seater coach had a ‘Covid capacity’ of 9, and 2 of those spaces were taken up by those groupies of the driver you often get on coaches or public buses, hanging on the driver’s every word and acting as self-important henchmen. They were a regular sight around North Staffordshire when I used to get the bus to college or to go shopping.

From the replacement coach window I felt sorry for the assembled crowds at Taunton who all shuffled forward upon seeing the coach pull up, only to be told that only 6 could be taken due to spacing on the bus. Then the driver had to cave to the ensuing complaints or risk a riot if he didn’t let people flood on.

I was very glad to eventually roll up in Plymouth and see the signs for ‘Britain’s Ocean City’. I’m hoping that talk of a full nationwide lockdown holds off for several days so I can enjoy the time off from work without that looming overhead. Working during whatever restrictions are in place feels alright but after this year we all need a break from the relative monotony of it all.

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