My Christmas Robin

Alendronic Acid day so up and out with Basil for a walk to pass the half hour before I can have my first cup of tea of the morning.

Lovely quiet weather following the lashing rain we had overnight. Basil was scared of the noisy wind so spent the night on our bed.

On the last stretch, I encountered this robin singing lustily in a hedge on Fairway Road. Bold, unafraid and asserting his territory.

We all went to Staunton Harold in the afternoon for a walk through Bignalls Wood. We must have had an astonishing amount of rain. Streams and ditches were full to overflowing.

The garden centre was closed so we didn't get a takeaway coffee. At home I cooked the gammon with honey and mustard sauce and finally, FINALLY, put marzipan on the Christmas cake. Icing tomorrow.

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