
By Mimthing


They arrived just before lunch and will stay till after tea tomorrow.
Mummy and Daddy are moving stuff into the flat in Filey
We've done painting and shopping today.
Couldn't fulfil Jamie's wish to play pool as the table is broken so we called into the Feathers instead .

The hunt were around today and Maddy has decided she needs to see more horses... Donkeys simply aren't doing it for her!
We'll see how tomorrow goes, might slip down to the stables for a moment whilst Grumps and Jamie go den building in the Rush.... It will of course depend on how she feels in the morning, she is a bit snuffly at the mo, so biscuit making could be an alternative.

Bed time story was Old Mother Hubard, they loved it , Jamie was really into the rhymes and asked if he could borrow one of my nursery rhyme books...
I am so in love with my Grandkids, they bring me so much just by being them.
Bed time now, can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

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