Despite Popular Request!
For Michael, who told me not to post this... And Nic, who shows how to find the absurd in everything!
#2(back right): Joe, will you just admit you're wrong...
#1(back left): Yeah Joe, I mean we're bloody starving here!
#3(front): Look lads, would you rather be up at the bridges? There's feckin' hundreds of us up there, all fighting over the one shaggin' scrap of bread. We've got this whole spot to ourselves.
#2: Exactly Joe, ourselves. Do you see anyone down here throwing in food?
#3: Michael, would you have a little bloody faith? Anything gets thrown in, its all ours! We own this feckin' river!
#2: Look, I've had enough of this. I'm off to play chicken with the pilot boats...
#3: Typical, Mick. No feckin' belief. You go and play, sunshine. All the more for us...
#1: Pay attention, Joe... Human, 12 o'clock!
#3: Nice one, Brian! And he's reaching into his pocket... I think we're in here... Oh yes, would you look at that! Big black lump - rye! Jaysus, I love that foreign food...
#1: I don't know, Joe. It looks a bit hard to me...
#3: Well of course it's bloody hard! If it wasn't, he wouldn't be throwin' it to us.
#1: No, I mean it doesn't look like bread. I think it's one of them phone yokes. He's going to take a bloody picture. Some cheek - probably doesn't even have an image rights form for us to sign...
#3: Look, do you think I can't tell the difference between bread and an iPhone? It's a big feckin' lump of lovely rye, and if you don't shut it, I'll eat the whole feckin' lot myse...
Ah, bollix!
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