Saturday: Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church
Today was exactly the kind of Boxing Day you might expect, quiet and a little restorative. The fact that we had a disturbed night’s sleep also played into that. We’re not quite sure what happened but the engineering trucks had to come out to a house a few doors down from us in the middle of the night. There was quite a lot of loud pumping going on - it’s a bit of an assumption but it seems there might have been a drainage issue. This went on until about 2am or so.
We caught up, virtually, with some friends and family which was nice. Other than that, I went on a bit of a neighbourhood walk. We’ve missed seeing the friends we would normally spend part of this year with, such as V & E.
K.’s eye remains an absolute corker. I went to do the shopping as she didn’t want people seeing her like that, which I understand. It’s quite impressive, and now the other eye is showing signs of bruising too.
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