Funny story

It's late, way past dinner and I should be upstairs cooking,  I hear husband is upstairs in the kitchen so I will make this fast.  I spent most of the day reading the manual and messing with the menu settings on the new camera.  I went out to the refuge late afternoon and got a few shots I was VERY excited about, just looking at the back of the camera.  The animal eye detection seems pretty awesome.  Lucky that I had the R with me and took a photo of the rainbow because when I went to download the photos from the new camera, I had apparently only recorded to the new CF Express card, which my card reader does not read.  So I tried the cable and do not have the right connection for my computer. Then I used the wifi to the phone but that downgraded to a jpeg.  ....  So I will post the rainbow and move on,  I will get a new card reader and or cable tomorrow.  

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