Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Happy Birthday

Today is Ferdinands 11th birthday.

He was this tiny little bundle with big paws and my Mums last opportunity to hug a puppy sadly she never got to see him grow.

In the last 11 years he has helped through bereavement, major relapse of my illness, such severe back spasms and issues I could barely walk, he was my reason to walk again. He was there unquestioning when I lost my job because of my health. Through the utter feelings of desparation of wondering if we could pay the mortgage or eat. Major anxiety, depression. Fertility issues. Not only did he get me walking but he was my training partner while I learnt to run and then got up to half marathon distance. He was there when our little miracle happened and while grumpy with the small boy at times they have a truce involving food.

He has also been there for Mr Mouse. The break up of his parents, spinal surgery, clinical depression, more surgery, bereavement, nasty alligations that meant social services investigation and the continued stress of being a carer for his uncle.

He gets under our feet, he farts, he eats cat poo, he is lumpy and grumpy but we love him so very much.

I look at him some days and I can see that age is creeping up on him, he is turning white where he was once red, he needs a bit more help to get out of the canal, he needs more naps. I don't know how many more years we have but they will be filled with love, even if I do shout at him sometimes.

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