Growing old disgracefully



Once more I am the silent one
who came out of the distance
wrapped in cold rain and bells:
I owe to earth's pure death
the will to sprout.

Pablo Neruda

Always excited by the arrival of the seeds. And who would not be stirred by the romance of their names:

Castandel, Castle of Mey, Daphne, Herald, Tumbling Tom, Sungold, Oakely, Amethyst, Polestar, Romanesco, Bright Lights, Jubilee, Desiree, Fen Globe, Spellbound and Long Red Florence. Particularly excited by Long Red Florence. We had her cousins in a slow cooked lamb and haricot bean casserole tonight (sorry, domestic goddess peeped out for a moment there - get back in your place.)

Wee surge of energy today. Rose at 6 and had cracked through a lot of work before breakfast. Had a tiny cat nap and then the sun came out so I power washed the greenhouse and the paths, made dinner and then wrote up a new course proposal and description. There was no stopping me. Ah, but as my Mammy used to say, 'It'll no be this in the morn!'

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