Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Happy Christmas everybody. We've had a lovely day in spite of everything, I hope you too have been able to make the most of today and have found some happiness amongst all the problems and worries.
I thought that as I've been in church twice on Christmas Day it was only right that I should blip two nativity scenes. A miracle has taken place and the Christ child is now in the manger in my large set. The other is a more modern Alessi scene mainly in stainless steel with the Holy family picked out in a brass colour. Very simple and I love it. (the kings have arrived early but they are not removable).
I went to last night's midnight service which gave me a time of peace and calm before the busy-ness of today. Then, this morning we went to our 10.30 service, carols were sung from behind a screen by a visitor from another choir. It's so hard not to join in especially the soaring descants and harmonies. I think my voice is sorely out of practice.
Back home and Kathryn, Jon and the girls came for bacon rolls in the garden. Isobel was thrilled with the umbrella she'd received from Great Nana (whose 98th birthday is today) and had insisted that it came in mum's rucksack so she could show us. Christmas with children is so lovely, I gave then a couple of presents to share which I'd missed out from the delivery to them yesterday, yet again Isobel got the cuteness award when she opened a bag of Christmas tree pasta and declared it was what she had always wanted. Made my day!

After they left I got lunch organised and the turkey crown into the oven then we went round to Ali's for a cup of tea in their garden. I saw their new kitchen as we went through the house, it's looking good. Some work still to be done but they were so happy to be cooking their own Christmas lunch in their kitchen at last. They ripped out the old units and appliances in October 2019 in anticipation of the new one going in very soon after. For various reasons, complicated by covid etc they have been camping with a second hand fridge, a small hotplate, a microwave and no hot water ever since.

Back home again, just the two of us for dinner, as we didn't want to have others in the house and risk the contact. We didn't actually eat till around 4.30 and never got around to pudding. It was delicious though, if I do say so myself. We aren't food snobs but our frozen crown from Lidl was pretty tasty. I had decided in November that no matter what other things were missing so long as I had turkey and sprouts we could manage, so I bought the crown well in advance.
As anticipated, the turkey crown was barely touched, we're not big eaters and I always over cater, but Ali and Stuart had no left over turkey so they will be coming up pick some up.

Keep safe and well everybody, I hope your Christmas gave you some peace in the chaos and some hope for the future. I know it was very, very difficult for many - and I do feel for you. I also know how lucky we are- next year though. Not long now hopefully.

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