With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Ooh, look! We’re on’t telly!

Mickey started the day by falling down the stairs in excitement. The dogs heard the boys return, scampered along the tile corridor at the top of the stairs and then
bump, bump, bumpety, bumpety, Eastenders theme music.... Scooby standing at the top with an “it wasn’t me” expression. Mickey is ok but bruised.
Boys back, we unwrapped and played games and smoked salmon bagelled and scone and cream and jammed and were grateful for everything. We messaged, watsapped, video linked. We sent our love around the world I hope. That’s us there, surprised by smiling ourselves.
Then yes, we made a dinner, with remembered sausages, stuffing and dates in bacon. We did not burn the sprouts. We wore our hats and lost the the jokes and skipped the pudding til tomorrow.
We have melted into our own heads again now. It was a good day. Happy Christmas everyone.

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