Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Growth spurt?

Henry has eaten loads today - 1.5 bowls of cereal for breakfast (he had half of mine!), toast and juice as a snack, half of Neil's takeaway curry from yesterday (spicy chicken curry and garlic chilli paneer), half a banana and scrambled egg on toast with a whole carton of smoothie. I wonder if he'll sleep better tonight?

I had a fab time last night but got home much later than I meant to so have been struggling to stay awake all day. Luckily work wasn't too busy or too taxing. Neil and Henry had a lovely day - they went to Neil's mum and dads and Henry ran up to them to give them a cuddle even though he hasn't seen them for over a month.

Today's blip is some pre-bathtime tickling - got a great video of him giggling, he sounds like he should be in a carry on film!

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