2020 Thursday — Christmas Eve
As the sun dropped below the horizon today, the sky became a beautiful Christmas pinkish red. It rained lightly several times throughout the afternoon.
Because of this pandemic, we’re home alone in SoCal for Christmas; we are, though, connected to our family by love. We know many of our friends are also alone this Christmas. Where will you be this Christmas?
None of us are as alone as Mary & Joseph must have felt that first Christmas. We are blessed with a warm home and we have a butterball turkey breast, dressing, potatoes, gravy, veggies, cranberry with orange chunks, dinner rolls, and pumpkin pie & whipped cream for our holiday dinner. We have each other and two pups who love us. We have the knowledge that Jesus left Heaven for us. I can hardly fathom what He did for me, for us. He came to take away our sin, not our minds. He loves us more than we can understand. The Bible reports it all. He died for me, for you. “Forever” is ours with Jesus. Where will you spend Forever?
Merry Christmas Eve,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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