
After yesterdays rain, the river levels rose dramatically over night, spilling onto the meadows in the flood plain. I briefly dropped into the Rowing Lake, but all the paths were impassable and the cold northerly wind didn't encourage me to stay long. More of the swan herd have started pair bonding - this loving couple were particularly bold, and were gently dancing about 2 m away from me. I thought the male looked a bit coy in this image.

At six o'clock many people in our street came out to ring bells, which marked the start of Christmas. We had a light meal comprising a mix of delicious foods that we don't normally eat, including Gravadlax and oven baked Camemberts. A very long game of Monopoly ensued - to my surprise I won, possibly the  first time ever!

I wish you all a peaceful Christmas - even though it may not be what you planned.

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