Christmas For Jasper

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Jasper finished off his last packet of chicken treats today. He was not happy about it.

"MEEEEEOOOOOWWWW," he said. Expressing himself.

Fortunately, I remembered that the Princess had sent a big box of chicken treats to Jasper for his Christmas. He knew exactly what I was up to. He sat next to me, yowling while I opened the box.

And when I got it open, he shoved his nose into it. 


I didn't realise that there were other things in the box of chicken treats too! Jasper lost all interest in them and went running off with his Christmas mousie. He was JUST DELIGHTED with it. As you can see in this picture. 

Now Joshua has also arrived, ready for Xmas dinner with Macca and the kids tomorrow. We are hoping Loulou and Tiger will be able to stop by too. Loulou LOVES Christmas and was so excited, she was making plans back in October.

Sadly, she has been very unwell and just had a major operation. So now we're not sure she'll be up to it after all. 

I'm sad of course. I'm sad for all the friends who can't be with us for Xmas. 

But I'm happy when I look at this picture. Thank you Princess xxx.


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