Wide Angle Festive
A retired Coast Guard Captain lives in this house; every 4th of July and Christmas he lights up his little boat and the house for the holidays. This year he added the whale and more lights. Thanks, Bob, for the theme of Festive for this week's Wide Wednesday challenge. I drove around our beach community today and saw lots of lighted houses, but most of them had some obstacle that prohibited getting a good photo of their festive displays. Mostly lots of cars are parked in front of them.
Tomorrow doesn't seem like Christmas Eve.....there is no rush to do anything or make sure the house is ready for the family to arrive. I feel kind of relieved and perfectly content with the way things are this year.....next year we can go back to the wild rush to celebrate......maybe?
Tonight when I went out to look for a Festive Photo three beautiful healthy deer were standing in the roadway in front of our house; they looked at me and as I walked toward the car they must have felt threatened because they ran away. But when I returned home they were back in front of the house; we see deer here at the beach often and during the day they are totally unafraid of us. I always tell them that they need to have a healthy fear of humans, especially people with hunting rifles.
I know at least one of you is feeling grumpy this holiday season; I hope we all find a way to find JOY and PEACE during this season of Christmas. Stay safe.....but find joy. :-))
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