Pick & mix!

Today indeed was a pick & mix sort of day. It began with a funeral in Oban of someone hubby knew, a quiet character who kept all the clocks in his house an hour slow! when hubby asked him why he replied" I like to think it gives me an extra hour of my day and life" Time finally caught up with him but it was a nice wee service and we trooped off to Pennyfuir cemetary too.

All I can say about that place is..... what idiot decided to put the cemetary car park on the opposite side of a very busy busy road. The one sure cert is that there is a higher chance of you winding up dead on your way OUT rather than on the way in! Why dont they put one of these big portable neon road signs saying "dead slow" or something to that effect to slow the traffic down!

In the afternoon I took the doggies off for a run to Carsaig. There's a lovely Gaelic song called Cronan Carsaig, Google it as its nice. On the pier I heard a splashing in the water, I thought dear God don't let it be some poor bugger drowning as I cant swim! However it was a wuman! who had swam right across the bay & back and emerged up the pier steps where Abbie dog was standing and almost gave the poor pooch a heart attack! I asked the wifey if it was cold as my car temp was reading 0 and she said "not really" lunged out the water and got on a bike and peddled off! Im thinking this big Amazonian wuman might have been German or at least foreign, who the Hell in their right mind would go swimming on a day like today, sunny but still brass monkey weather let alone sploshing about in the bloody water.

With the light being so fantastic I thought of going to the beaver loch but a mad wuman and 3 noisy dogs would be as welcome as a fart in a Jenners lift to the beaver watchers so I went to Barnalusgan instead. The light was still right but the camera, the lens, the footwear and 3 bloody dogs were not cudusive to taking good photos so you get the Carsaig boat which I kicked away from the pier to make it look like it was drifting
Happy blipping all

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