Lala's Journal

By Lala


I eventually finished the blanket. It’s a king size, so no idea what I’ll do with it now!
I’ve been very busy today. We collected all the meats and vegetables, and once home I began! James is very poorly today, and assuming he’s caught the virus from Mollie, he’s unlikely to be able to cook the girls a Christmas dinner. So, I have cooked the gammon, roast potatoes and parsnips, carrots, broccoli, Brussels, pigs in blankets. I made sausage rolls, a cheesecake (already promised for the girls) and iced the Christmas cake. I’ve set an alarm for 5am to put the turkey in, and once it’s done we will load up the car and set off to drop food and presents off. All Megan will need to do is warm it all up, I will include instructions!

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