Mis bombones

Bombones meaning chocolates, but also a pet name for kids.
A day of sorting things for Christmas Day, the kids and Danny wrapped up all the cutlery and tied bows on them, then also filled 40 of these red bags with various chocolates. Meanwhile I was off with one of the homeless guys, John, trying to get a passport picture of him that the Passport Office won't reject...we took one that fitted all the criteria and submitted it online, only for it to be rejected saying 'the subject isn't facing the camera'!!???? What?!?!?!
We met up with Letesia for a 'Christmas pizza', ha! I'm hoping it becomes tradition! She should have been in the UK, but with the new restrictions she's not been able to go back. 
Mid afternoon we walked up the hill to Todd and Stephen's. They'd got the kids a gift each - both very thoughtful and spot on. Lovely to see the renovations to their place coming along!
Home for shopping, playing and attempting to get the flat organised as 24-7 Stephen comes for his mini-break here tomorrow! At the moment his room is the homeless storage space, eeeek!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting a new lady on the streets. Spanish, and by all accounts very unfriendly, however when I went to see her she was instantly warm and chatted. She lives on a bench behind our street. Thinking about it, the reports of unfriendliness all came from men, so maybe it's a self-preservation thing to be unapproachable.
2) The kids loving helping out with the Christmas Day preps, they're definitely part of the team.
3) Stephen and Todd's hospitality and kindness. 

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