Dancing Crow!

4°C  -  14 mph NNW Wind Speed  -  29 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Gave my Postie his Christmas Box  -  I should’ve blipped him really, because he was wearing his Santa hat☺  He’s been my Postie for at least twenty years and is like an old friend.  Then did some decluttering and took stuff down to the Dump  -  it was very busy so I suppose other people had the same thing in mind  -  making sure things were neat and tidy for Christmas.  Took some shots of Geese flying over the house, but they didn’t look as exciting on the screen as they did in the sky, so this Crow has the honour today  -  I took lots of shots of him and his antics and chose this one because he looks as if he’s dancing and amused me

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