Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Diagonal in the Winter Sun

A day that almost resembled some sort of normality in that we actually met people, yes real people in the flesh!  We walked up to Gracia to meet our friends Mila and Josep.  I've met Mila once this year for coffee but haven't seen Josep in over a year, the same as Alan with both of of them.  After the usual commenting on the length of our hair, we sat down and caught up as much as you can in a couple of hours.  This was all outside of course on a plaza, with masks and a good distance apart.  Mila and I exchanged wee Christmas pressies - mine being the little succulents in nail varnish-decorated Nespresso capsules, which I blipped yesterday.  

We walked back along Diagonal where I got my blip.  Back home and after a rest, we made the Christmas food shopping list, Bb went off with the trolley to do the shopping as I wanted to finish off a music 'advent' calendar that I'd started for two friends - one in NZ and the other in Australia.  Another evening walk to top up our steps and are now settling down to spaghetti carbonara.  Bb commented on his blip, but I feel I have to say it too here - we think this is the first time in 30 years that we've had Christmas dinner at home, cooked by our own fair hands!!  We had Christmas dinner at home in Edinburgh the first year we were married and naively thought we'd have goose and I remember when I went to pick it up in Stockbridge thinking, 'that's huge!'.  We really had no idea! 

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