Lights! Camera! Action!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro has finished painting the garage, and now it looks great. She has painted one wall completely white. This was her plan anyway, but it does mean that I was able to follow through on my plans to install a projector in there and set it up as a home cinema for our guests over Xmas. 

I don't know about you, but when I was forced to stay with relatives as a kid I always found them unutterably boring. Most of the adult chat seemed to revolve around three subjects:

- House prices (can you BELIEVE them nowadays???)
- Home renovation (we're going to knock all this through you know)
- The best way to get from Lincoln to Scarborough via the Morpeth bypass

So I figured if the teens get bored with our sparkling chat, they can put themselves in the "movie theatre" and watch films. I'm also going to rig up the Nintendo so they can play Mario Kart in there. Hence this home-made poster which I'm going to stick on the door.

Although maybe they won't be interested. Macca's kids LOVE us. In fact, our whole plan for Xmas was planned last year because they'd had a rubbish family Xmas and they said they would much rather spend Xmas with "Syro" instead.

(That is their "Hollywood Power Couple" name for us).

But even if they decide not to use it, I'm sure I can think of some drunken adults who might be happy to take a blat around Moo Moo Meadows with Luigi and Yoshi.

However, all of this happened pretty late on Tuesday. Caro and me had TERRIBLE headaches earlier on. For Caro, this was due to her spending all day painting. As for me, I had spent 4 hours in a meeting with Gromit.

YES. I KNOW. I mean, it was a worthwhile meeting but FOUR. EFFING. HOURS.

We were going through all the existing kit in every single meeting room in New Zealand and what we were going to replace it with. Gromit had taken some pictures of a meeting room LAST JULY that she wanted to refer to. 

She scrolled through the pictures in her camera. "Hmmmm... July.. July..." she murmured, scrolling. "Horses, horses, horses... chickens, chickens... ducks, ducks, ducks, ducks... back to chickens... Oh! Here we are!" she said.

I thought she'd found the picture.

"Look! It's a picture of Steve The One-Legged Chicken!" she said, showing me a picture of Steve The One-Legged Chicken.

I say it was 4 hours. We had a 30 minute break in the middle so that Gromit could show the rest of the team a clip from the documentary about Stoffel the Honey Badger.

So I'm not saying it wasn't an ENTERTAINING meeting. But four hours of meeting rooms. Yeesh. You need Panadol after that.


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