Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Lovin’ Dublin

This is a screenshot of George’s Street Arcade from The Lovin Dublin’s fb page.

On the radio in the car coming home from work I heard the news that we are going back into tough lockdown from Thursday as the virus numbers are surging. oh no!

It’s hard not to get down in the dumps. But we can’t languish there as we have to keep our heads above the ramparts (metaphorically speaking).

So scrolling through social meedja during my dinner (tsk) I came across a nice little article and have posted the link below.

I like this part of Dublin as my engagement and wedding ring bought in a little jewellers right beside the arcade.

I have had a long day and have the kettle on for a cupan tae de Barrys. I am very behind in comments and thank yous. I will catch up soon.

Have a nice evening everyone

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